Sometimes I long for a convent cell, with the sublime wisdom of centuries set out on bookshelves all along the wall and a view across the cornfields—there must be cornfields and they must wave in the breeze—and there I would immerse myself in the wisdom of the ages and in myself. Then I might perhaps find peace and clarity. But that would be no great feat. It is right here, in this very place, in the here and the now, that I must find them. - Etty Hillesum
In the 15 Jan 2023 post at Where Peter Is Father Satish Joseph wrote on holiness because of what Saint Paul said in his letter to the Corinthians (1Cor 1:1-3). In that passage from Sunday’s second reading Paul refers to the community as those “who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be holy.”
Paul's letter tells us holiness is something that is within reach. Father Satish shows how it can be found in the everyday by giving 3 suggestions so that “we can respond to God’s call to holiness” - they fit nicely with what our 3rd graders suggested at Mass last week.
First. Fr. Satish begins, “every moment we spend in prayer, or every prayer we say for another person in need is a sign of holiness. Every act of goodness that we perform selflessly is a sign of holiness.”
“The second step,” he continues, “is to recognize those areas of our lives that reduce our holiness or take us away from God. When we recognize our weaknesses and sins and work to better ourselves we “allow the presence of God to change and transform us.”
“The third step,” he believes, “is the most practical suggestion that [he is] making. This week, take one area of holiness and nurture it." Fr. Satish’s reasoning is simple: Jesus is the source of all holiness. He is the one who takes away the unholiness of his people. When we follow these simple suggestions we are walking the path of holiness, however simply.
Showcasing SHA talent: Aayden in 8th shows holiness when we do something the first time we are asked.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide