For when peaceful stillness compassed everything and the night in its swift course was half spent, Your all-powerful word from heaven’s royal throne bounded, a fierce warrior, into the doomed land, bearing the sharp sword of your inexorable decree. And as he alighted, he filled every place with death; he still reached to heaven while he stood upon the earth./Cuando un silencio apacible envolvía todas las cosas, y la noche había llegado a la mitad de su rápida carrera, tu Palabra omnipotente se lanzó desde el cielo, desde el trono real, como un guerrero implacable, en medio del país condenado al exterminio. Empuñando como una espada afilada tu decreto irrevocable, se detuvo y sembró la muerte por todas partes: a la vez que tocaba el cielo, avanzaba sobre la tierra.—Wisdom 18: 14-16
In the daily reflections booklets that were in the Advent bags the parish handed out you will find the Advent Stations. I was not familiar with these seven stations, but like the Stations of the Cross, they walk us through a time in Jesus’ life and in them I found one of those deeper layers that is Advent.
Christmas may be the primary focus for many of us, however, it is not the end of the story. For many Christians around the world, Epiphany, when Jesus is revealed to the world through the arrival of the Magi, is as important as Christmas day. With this in mind I would like to continue the stations, pondering the mystery of the incarnation to Epiphany.
As with the Advent Stations in the booklets we include a fitting OT passage (Numbers 24:17) along with the NT passage about the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12) to read before the meditation by Hildegard von Bingen, Doctor of the Church: Following the promise of this star led them away from all the cherished stars they held before, even away from their own stardom. This star "which went before them in upright perception and wisdom," led them to "God's grace" swaddled in the clothes of an innocent child. They found Divine gifts in this little child, gifts which would frighten rulers and threaten their worldly powers. Their heart's knowledge enabled them to see the Divine gifts and to follow the star. When they found the "new king," surprised by the sight of a newborn, they rejoiced in the wisdom of the Divine knowledge. "Their souls tasted heavenly things." (as translated by Almut Furchert, PhD on her page)
Showcasing SHA talent: An unknown 8th graders shows us that before the Magi arrived the shepherds had learned about Jesus’ birth.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide