We are not here to guard a museum but to cultivate a flourishing garden of life - Saint Pope John XXIII as he was traveling to the conclave that would elect him Pope
In this month where we celebrated All Saints and All Souls day we’ll take a brief look at a saint, Saint Pope John XXIII. He will also tie us back to last month, which I said was a busy month Catholic news-wise.
John XXIII, born in Italy 25 November 1881, was known as The Good Pope because of his pastoral approach of reaching out to others, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, and his work for world peace (his encyclical Pacem in Terris [Peace on Earth] is well-known). He also convoked Vatican II; the 60th anniversary of the opening of this Council was on 11 October, which is also his feast day. In calling for a council Pope John had seen that the Church needed to be transformed, to move beyond the closed walls that had been in place for centuries. From his many years as a papal diplomat assigned around the world, John saw how important it was, especially in the modern world, to reach out to the entire world, recognizing beauty and truth wherever it is found. He saw the need for the full participation of the laity in the mission of the Church as well as for the Church to be ecumenical, recognizing and reaching out to our sisters and brothers of other traditions. The Italian term for this is aggiornamento, or a bringing up to date.
Pope Francis continues this aggiornamento. In his homily last month on the 60th anniversary of the opening of Vatican II, he said that “to rekindle her love for the Lord, the Church, for the first time in her history, devoted a Council to examining herself and reflecting on her nature and mission. She saw herself once more as a mystery of grace generated by love; she saw herself anew as the People of God, the Body of Christ, the living temple of the Holy Spirit!” Transformation is a continual process and with Synod 2021-2024 we have a way for all the People of God to continue to live out their baptismal calling and participate in all aspects of the life of the Church.
Through the power of the Holy Sprit the Council “rediscovered the source of love, not to remain on mountain heights, but to cascade downwards as a channel of mercy for all./El Concilo reencontrado la fuente del amor no para quedarse en el monte, sino para que la Iglesia baje al valle y sea canal de misericordia para todos.” Pope Francis, homily on the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. With Synod 2021-2024 building on what came out of Vatican II, we too can be transformed as we each strive to live out our baptismal call today.
Showcasing SHA talent: As a result of Vatican II new things are being built as Sahana in 4th shows us.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide