Parent Letter Faith Reflection

It’s not that things aren’t going to be scary. It’s when you are in the face of fear, you carry peace. You carry a confident trust, that you are able to speak to that fear knowing you have victory over it, because God is bigger.—Sadie Robertson, actress


   When Jesus appears to his disciples in the upper room he says to them, “Peace be with you/¡La paz esté con ustedes!.” Upon realizing it is Jesus they rejoice and Jesus repeats, “Peace be with you,” then adds, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you/Como el Padre me envió, así yo los envío a ustedes.” He then breathes on them, asking them to receive the Holy Spirit. 


   Jesus comes in peace, and he sends us on mission in peace, whether that is to clean an area overgrown with weeds (5th grade did that along the 4th Street side of our field during Lent), help the homeless, care for creation, or any of the other ways we can help our brothers and sisters.


   In a world filled with war, violence, and pain we need to remember Jesus’ commissioning and be like the women who came first to the tomb—they saw, heard and proclaimed as Pope Francis focused on in his Easter homily. The women were filled with peace and could not be held back from proclaiming what they had seen with joy. “How beautiful is a Church that can run this way through the streets of our world!/¡Y qué hermosa es una Iglesia que corre de esta manera por los caminos del mundo!” Happy Easter! Buona Pasqua!


Showcasing SHA talent: 5th grade’s peace banner that is displayed along the office wall makes you want to actively work for peace.

  God bless,


Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

4th Grade Aide

Jr. High ELA Aide
