Lent leads us to the resurrection of our souls from emptiness of purpose to the model of the self-giving Jesus, whose cross calls us to spend our own lives for the good of others.– Joan Chittister. OSB
Lent has come to an end and we have entered the Triduum where all creation waits in hopeful anticipation of resurrection. In Laudato Sí (244) Pope Francis said, “In union with all creatures we journey through this land seeking God, for ‘if the world has a beginning and if it has been created, we must enquire who gave it this beginning, and who was its Creator,’” (quoting Saint Basil)./Junto con todas las criaturas, caminamos por esta tierra buscando a Dios, porque, «si el mundo tiene un principio y ha sido creado, busca al que lo ha creado, busca al que le ha dado inicio, al que es su Creador».
Jesus makes all things new (Rev 21:5), and as we head towards “the Sabbath of eternity (243),” Frankie brings us deep into Holy Week with the poem she wrote as part of our religion/art time earlier this month: Lent is like the love that fills the air. The sweet wind of the spring that brings in the flowers. The love that showers us like the sweet smells of the blossoms blooming. As we wait by the tomb, the time slowly passes—we wait for Jesus to rise.
You may have heard our Junior High reached their goal+ raising money for Ukraine from their weekly coffee and pastry fundraiser. What you may not have known is that 2nd grade was quietly working behind the scene decorating and putting together snack bags for Youth Hope and AJ’s Kitchen. Kellie Ferguson also bought some of the bags to the S.H.A.R.E. meal on 2 April, the Saturday when The Holy Name of Jesus prepares the meal - again there were smiles all around.
Showcasing SHA talent: Anthony, 7th, shows us where Lent leads us. Happy Easter. Buona Pasqua.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide