Parent Letter Faith Reflection

   Last week I used a Lent reflection that Sr. Joan Chittister had written. In it she said how Lent gets real when we walk with Jesus, giving us some examples. Today we bring flesh to what were concepts last week.
  Lent got real for us here at SHA when 7th and 8th grade teamed up and began having bake sales this week with the money going to Ukraine. They will continue to have bake sales, with hot coffee, Tuesday and Thursday mornings along with Jeans for Jesus Fridays throughout the rest of Lent. They have also made cards that will be sent, along with the money raised, to Ukraine through and organization in Pasadena.
   It has been so good to see what our Jr. High is doing along with all the ways people have been responding to the war in Ukraine. One of the ways I have seen people responding to this humanitarian crisis is a Stations of the Cross for Ukraine that America Magazine created last week. In it the reflections are adapted to the real life situation in Ukraine. Lent has gotten very real.
   Space limits being able to include the entire Stations of the Cross for Ukraine so we will leave with the opening prayer: God of Peace, in Lent you draw us together to witness the depth of your love for us. Allow that love now to intercede in the invasion of Ukraine. Rescue your children. Unite our family. End this war.
   This week we head to Venezuela for some Lent traditions via Miss Emelin our Preschool Director. Her first memory was how quiet it was during Lent. The whole city was quiet everyday. There was no TV, just walking and doing things quietly; it was a time to be close to the Church, she said.
   Miss Emelin also remembers the visit to 7 Churches on Good Friday. She couldn’t remember why 7 but it may be based on the tradition of the 7 churches that are visited in Rome during Holy Week. The procession would end in a park with a live re-enactment of the crucifixion. It was a sad day, she said, but also a peaceful and calm time.
   Link to Stations of the Cross for Ukraine:
Showcasing SHA talent: Clifford’s (7th gr.) cover of the Book Thief can remind us of the Good Thief crucified along side Jesus.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide