Parent Letter Faith Reflection

The Beatitudes provide the “identity card” of Christians because they outline the face of Jesus himself, his style of living./Las bienaventuranzas contienen la “carta de identidad” del Cristiano porque dibujan el rostro de Jesús, su forma de vida. - Pope Francis

    Last week for Black History Month we highlighted the 6 Black Catholic women and men who are in the early stages of the canonization process. This week we will look at 2 Black Catholics who have come into the news this month.

    When a bishop turns 75 they have to submit their letter of resignation to the Pope. The Pope doesn’t have to accept it immediately (ie - it was a year after Bishop Barnes turned 75 before his letter of resignation was accepted by Pope Francis and Bishop Rojas became our bishop). This month Pope Francis accepted the resignations of the Archbishop of Louisville, Kentucky and the bishop of Charleston, South Carolina. Bishop Shelton Fabre has been appointed Archbishop of Louisville and Father Jacques Fabre has been appointed bishop of Charleston. What caught my attention about these two Black Catholics was not only that they had the same last name but the positive buzz there has been about both of them.

    This month we have heard Luke’s Beatitudes proclaimed. Our Pflaum Gospel Weeklies showed how the Beatitudes disrupt our ideas of success. The Beatitudes, we learned, are a reminder that we are all children of God and all belong to God’s family. Success is not having a lot of wealth but seeing that people who are poor or do not have enough to eat or are being persecuted are blessed and belong. Belonging to God’s family is the greater blessing and because of this we need to care for each other.

    Much of the buzz about the newly appointed Bishop Fabres is that they live the Beatitudes. Their idea of success is rooted in Jesus, and we pray they remain grounded in God’s love and continue to be good role models for all of us as they begin their new ministry.

  Showcasing SHA talent: Sometimes a cup of coffee will help keep us grounded as Candy in 5th demonstrates.


God bless,

 Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

4th Grade Aide

Jr. High ELA Aide
