Parent Letter Faith Reflection

Education is above all a matter of love and responsibility handed down from one generation to another/La educación es ante todo una cuestión de amor y responsabilidad que se transmite en el tiempo de generación en generación - Pope Francis, Oct 2020

    Two weeks in a row last month, on Sunday, we heard Jesus read the passage from Isaiah 61, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…” Where the passage leaves off everything seems fine. However, when we pick up it up the following Sunday, things go in a very different direction. Now we learn that those listening to Jesus question his authority, asking, “Isn’t this the son of Joseph?” By the end of the passage they are filled with fury and try to push him off a cliff. Things went differently than we expected from the previous week.

    There are many times things go in a different direction than we first expect, but it can go in a good direction as well as bad. This week was Catholic Schools Week and things went in different, but good, directions at times. The in-person Mass honoring our grandparents was postponed but all the Catholic schools in our diocese got to join on-line with Bishop Rojas. This was something we have not done before but going in this new direction was good. The Talent Show couldn’t be in the hall this year so it was moved outside. This was good, especially since the weather cooperated, and it was nice being outside.

    All these different direction moments were good, but the best was yet to come. Sebastian in 1st began his Talent Show performance pretending to be playing a flute, then caught the school delightfully by surprise when he quickly went in a very different direction. Gauging by audience reaction Sebastian’s solo dancing to Agua by J Balvin and Tainy was very well received. His performance went from fun to transforming everyone in a good way as they excitedly reacted to this unexpected turn.

    To educate is to help a child go in a new, and hopefully good, directions. Our Catholic schools give them that strong foundation of faith, excellence and service (the themes for this year), so they can make a good difference in a global world.


Showcasing SHA talent: Piper in 6th grade has her tree going in two directions, both good.


God bless,

 Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

4th Grade Aide

Jr. High ELA Aide
