Our SLE Families met last Friday opening their activities with an on-line reading of Gratitude is my Superpower by Alicia Ortego. One of the things the little girl in the story learns is that gratitude is in all of us; at times we may need to be reminded of this, and maybe learn how to mine it, but it’s there.
As you came to conferences this week you could see your child had been mining gratitude by their chalk drawings on the blacktop and leaves on the walls. I enjoyed reading as many of the leaves as I could but my favorite turned out to be the rock that said, “I’m grateful for my toys.” It was left behind in the classroom and I didn’t notice it until the end of the day. I wasn’t able to match it up to it’s grateful creator, but I like to think that could be every one of our kids. Toys are something to be grateful for and I liked how this child acknowledged something that could so easily be taken for granted.
SLE Families started with this prayer that leads nicely into our Thanksgiving holiday next week: God, I thank you for always being there for me, whether I realize it or not. Your love washes over me daily, hourly, and moment by moment. I am so fortunate to have you walking with me and loving me for your goodness knows no bounds. In your name we say, Amen./Dio, gracias por estar siempre ahí para mí, ya sea que me dé cuenta o no. Tu amor me baña a diario, a cada hora, a cada momento. Soy muy afortunada de tenerte caminando a mi lado y amándome por tu bondad no conoce límites. En tu nombre decimos, Amén. Happy Thanksgiving. Feliz día de acción de gracias.
Showcasing SHA talent: Not everyone has an avocado dog like Aiden E. in 8th grade, but many of us have a pet that we are grateful for.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide