Parent Letter Faith Reflection

   When we learn how to honor, respect and share this beautiful world around us and all that is in it, we will most certainly be able to experience peace and wellbeing among humanity; that was and continues to be Christ Jesus’ dream for all./Todos tenemos el derecho a una vida digna y a ser felices. Cuando aprendemos a honrar, respetar y compartir la hermosura del mundo que nos rodea y todo lo que contiene, tendremos paz y bienestar; este fue y sigue siendo el sueño de nuestro Señor Jesucristo para toda la humanidad.  Bishop Alberto Rojas, IE Byte Online/El Compas Catolico, Nov 2021.  

   At the end of Mass the presider or deacon says to the congregation, “The Mass is ended. Go in peace.” In other words, we have been sent, we are mission. Mission is the third theme for Synod2023 because mission is a path of listening that can help us to be witnesses and bring peace to others today.

    Mission: The Church exists to evangelize. We can never be centered on ourselves. Our mission is to witness to the love of God in the midst of the whole human family. This Synodal Process has a deeply missionary dimension to it. It is intended to enable the Church to better witness to the Gospel, especially with those who live on the spiritual, social, economic, political, geographical, and existential peripheries of our world. In this way, synodality is a path by which the Church can more fruitfully fulfil her mission of evangelization in the world, as a leaven at the service of the coming of God’s kingdom.

   Misión: La Iglesia existe para evangelizar. Nunca podemos concentrarnos en nosotros mismos. Nuestra misión es testimoniar el amor de Dios en medio de toda la familia humana. Este Proceso Sinodal tiene una profunda dimensión misionera. Su objetivo es permitir a la Iglesia que pueda testimoniar mejor el Evangelio, especialmente con aquellos que viven en las periferias espirituales, sociales, económicas, políticas, geográficas y existenciales de nuestro mundo. De este modo, la sinodalidad es un camino a través del cual la Iglesia puede cumplir con más fruto su misión de evangelización en el mundo, como levadura al servicio de la llegada del Reino de Dios.

  Showcasing SHA talent: Kassandra, 8th grade, is not only being mission she is also caring for our common home by riding a bike.


God bless,

 Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

4th Grade Aide

Jr. High ELA Aide
