Love is the mirror of an intense spiritual life/El amor es espejo de una vida spiritual vivida intensamente—Pope Francis, Faith and Science letter, 4 Oct 21
Our diocese, like many dioceses around the world, had a Mass on October 17 to formally open Synod 2023 that Pope Francis convoked earlier this year. “The synod is essential to the nature of the Church, and we will be renewed in that reality in the coming years,” Bishop Rojas wrote in his pastoral letter that was in our parish bulletin last week.
The theme for Synod 2023 is “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission.” Today I will share the aspect of Communion as it is found in the Vademecum, the official handbook for the synod. These three themes are connected and we will see how, together, they can help the synod be successful.
Communion: By his gracious will, God gathers us together as diverse peoples of one faith, through the covenant that he offers to his people. The communion we share finds its deepest roots in the love and unity of the Trinity. It is Christ who reconciles us to the Father and unites us with each other in the Holy Spirit. Together, we are inspired by listening to the Word of God, through the living Tradition of the Church, and grounded in the sensus fidei that we share. We all have a role to play in discerning and living out God’s call for his people.
Comunión: En su benévola voluntad, Dios reúne nuestros pueblos distintos, pero con una misma fe, mediante la alianza que ofrece a su pueblo. La comunión que compartimos encuentra sus raíces más profundas en el amor y en la unidad de la Trinidad. Es Cristo quien nos reconcilia con el Padre y nos une entre nosotros en el Espíritu Santo. Juntos, nos inspiramos en la escucha de la Palabra de Dios, a través de la Tradición viva de la Iglesia, y nos basamos en el sensus fidei que compartimos. Todos tenemos un rol que desempeñar en el discernimiento y la vivencia de la llamada de Dios a su pueblo.
Showcasing SHA talent: 7th grade Emily’s picture, as well as Synod 2023, gives us food for thought.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide