This past weekend six SHA students (Annalse, Fernanda, Marianna, Jillianne, Joseph, and Miguel), along with Miss Konugres, attended the Care for Creation day at Notre Dame High School.
In the short space of a morning they worked their way through stations on composting, recycling, planting and gardening, and FFA. They came home not only with a bag of worms but a ton of knowledge and enthusiasm to incorporate into SLE activities here at school.
From making bird feeders—”We can hang them up, we have lots of trees,” Annelise pointed out—to planting a milkweed garden for butterflies, their ideas fit to what Pope Francis, and other faith leaders from around the world, talked about when gathered together at the Vatican on the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi earlier this week.
In his remarks Francis said: Everything is connected; in our world everything is profoundly interrelated......Commitment (to our earth) must constantly be driven by the dynamism of love, for “in the depths of every heart, love creates bonds and expands existence, for it draws people out of themselves and towards others.”/Todo está conectado, en el mondo todo está intimamente unido...Comprimiso (a nuestra tierra) se debe solicitar continuamente al motor del amor: “Desde la intimidad de cada corazón, el amor crea vínculos y amplía la existencia cuando saca a la persona de sí misma hacia el otro.”
With their gratitude and deeper understanding for caring for our earth our Care for Creation student team is ready to take little steps to putting the Pope’s words into action.
Showcasing SHA talent: Inspired by Matisse, Greysyn, 3rd, shows us how beautiful our earth looks when we take care of it.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide