Each of us is carving a stone, erecting a column, or cutting a piece of stained glass in the construction of something much bigger than ourselves. Un espacio sagrado que acoge a todos por igual, gue coloca a Cristo en el centro de nuestra vida en comunidad y que proclama nuestra fe al mundo – Adrienne Clarkson
“A Sacred Space that welcomes all peoples, places Christ at the center of our community life, and proclaims our faith to the world.” is what you will find written in last week’s parish bulletin above a rendering of the our new parish and school campus.
“When I see the beautiful ways we will be able to worship and work (and I add, learn) together at our new location, it gives me hope.” Monica Aguilar wrote in the same bulletin about our new grounds.
We are grateful that not only are things progressing for our new campus, but we are also grateful that being a place that puts Jesus at the center and is welcoming is something we’re already doing.
When we put Jesus at the center we are proclaiming our faith to the world. The 4th graders said we did this when both the parish and school community came to the Back to the Church night and our school picnic. 6th grade added that we smile and greet people who come on campus, be that prospective new families or the UPS drivers and the folks who have been working on our new doors.
We are building something bigger than ourselves and, as the 4th and 6th graders have shown, we have started today; keep building.
Showcasing SHA talent: Cali from 3rd grade lends a hand in building a welcoming, Christ centered place.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide