I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me, which the Lord, the just judge, will award me on that day…2 Timothy 7-8
“The Tokyo 2020 Olympics, held [last month], witnessed glory, despair, and controversy all under the shadow of the Covid pandemic,” was the headline of an on-line Al Jazeera article highlighting the events. Gratitude was also a large part of this year’s Olympics.
Athletes were grateful for all the volunteers and staff who worked at the athlete’s village and venues that made such a monumental event happen during a time of restrictions and limitations. The few people who were able to be at the events in person were grateful to be there and cheer on the athletes, and people around the world were grateful for media coverage.
The Tokyo Olympics show what we can do when we come together; we can overcome difficulties and obstacles that confront us. As Saint Paul shows us in the passage above we can apply this to our faith also. Track and field, gymnastics, wrestling, swimming, etc. are good things to focus our energies on, so too our faith even when obstacles such as doubt and fear trip us up.
Through the grace of God may we “compete” well continuing Jesus’ work together; may we keep the faith.
Showcasing SHA talent: While Piggy isn’t competing in the Olympics she still puts her whole heart into what ever she does, as Liam K. (8th) shows us here.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide