Parent letter faith reflection
Welcome back! As our new school year begins “grateful” is the theme. In the parish bulletin Monica Aguilar (Director of Pastoral Ministries) and Fr. Erik Esparza (HNJ Pastor) have been writing about how this theme came about and all the ways we as a parish community can live out being grateful.
Being grateful and living it out reminds me what bishop Rojas said in his homily at the opening Mass for Catholic schools last Friday. He started with a story about a teacher asking her class how do you know when the dark of night becomes the light of a new day? Her response was we know we have gone from darkness to light when we can look into the eyes of another and say, “You are my sister, you are my brother.”
We are grateful as a school community to welcome you back in person, that we can look you in the eye and say, “We are family, it is good that you are here.” It is the light of a new day because you are with us, and we are grateful for the new year full of potential that is in front of us.
You are invited to join the parish and school at the Back to the Church Ministry Fair Kickoff on 5 Sept. 2021 from 6:30-9:00p on the Olive Ave field. With all the food, games, live music, and more you will experience why we are grateful for this loving community of ours.
Showcasing SHA talent: The Gaudi inspired horse by Dariel, Anthony F., Nico, Xavier, and Nicky will help us to kickoff a great school year.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Ai