We all know that God is too large for our heads to be contained. However, He is not meant to be understood, but to be lived and experienced in love, that we may have life in abundance.—Bishop Rojas
In the reading from Exodus 24 last Sunday we heard how Moses sprinkled blood on the assembled when they committed to upholding the covenant between them and God. To show that the covenant was for the whole community we are told “they all answered with one voice.” Young and old, male and female they all needed to be an active part of the covenant. This past Sunday was the Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. We, too, commit to uphold the covenant between us and God as we partake in the Eucharistic celebration. And, as with the Israelites generations ago, the covenant is for the entire community - we all are called to take an active part.
As part of our assent we are sent forth at the end of each Mass. The Holy Spirit sends us where we need to be whether it be resting and enjoying time with our family and friends or at the peripheries bringing comfort and healing to those in need. Wherever the Spirit takes you this summer remember you are bringing the Spirit’s abundant life to those around you, you are taking an active part in keeping the Eucharistic celebration alive and thriving.
Have a wonderful summer remembering you are blessed and loved by God.
Showcasing 7th grade’s talents: It will be much easier getting to where the Spirit sends us if we have Sophia R’s spiffy, cool car.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide