Lord, teach us to come out of ourselves and to set out in search of the truth.
- from the Prayer for 55th World Communication Day
On the heals of his Pentecost homily Pope Francis spoke to the Dicastery for Communication in the Vatican. Marking the anniversaries of both L'Osservatore Romano and Vatican Radio he focused in on the difference between functioning and functionalism, something that dovetails with the feast of Pentecost.
For something to function properly people need to have “sufficient freedom to function,” such as the freedom to make decisions without needing to always get permission and an ability to take risks or step out of comfort zones. If these things aren’t in place, that is functionalism, according to the Pope.
The Holy Spirit is what allows us to function - the Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom and fortitude to see beyond our current situation and put our decisions into action. “Jesus brought the fire of the Spirit to the earth,” said Francis, and we are reformed by the anointing of her grace. With the Feast of Pentecost fresh in our minds may we allow the Spirit to help us to be functioning and active in the world.
Showcasing 7th grade’s talents: Aiden E. shows us how, filled with the Holy Spirit, we have the courage to stick our necks out and do good works.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide