Parent Letter Faith Reflection

   After having compared Himself to the vine and us to the branches, Jesus, [in this week's Gospel] explains what fruit is borne by those who remain united to Him: this fruit is love. - Pope Francis

    Jesus is known for turning things upside down, and I don’t mean just the tables of the money changers. When asked if 7 was enough times to forgive, Jesus raised the bar (Matthew: 21-22). When asked why he ate with tax collectors, sinners, and other outcasts he responded saying he had come for sinners, not the righteous (Luke 5: 27-32).

    In the Gospel this past Sunday (John 15: 9-17) Jesus flips us on our heads again. When Jesus tells us he has a new commandment for us—to love one another—he’s turning the Commandments upside down. Instead of saying them in the negative, telling us what we should not do, he tells us what we should do.

    Looking at what not to do we can sometimes be black and white in our focus and lose sight of the bigger picture. Letting Jesus flip our thinking around seeing what should do, he reassures us that his joy will be in us and our joy will be complete (cf. John 15:11).

 Showcasing 4th grade’s talents: Brookie, Izzy G., Teagan, Emily, and Candy flip things around and use different materials to make a very colorful flower.


God bless,

 Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

4th Grade Aide

Jr. High ELA Aide
