Christ’s cross is like a beacon that indicates the port to ships that are still afloat on stormy seas. It is the sign of the hope that does not disappoint. And it tells us that not even one tear, not one sigh is lost in God’s saving plan. - Pope Francis
There was a huge cargo ship stuck in the Suez Canal as Holy Week began. The ship’s bow was stuck in the canal’s eastern bank halting almost 400 ships from getting to their destinations, disrupting billions of dollars in global trade.
Of the images I saw of the stuck ship one struck me as particularly apropos to this hybrid Lent that we have come to the end of - the image of a lone digger scooping out watery sand and dirt as the hull of the huge ship loomed over it. Often times as we go through a struggle, or continue through this pandemic, it can feel like God has left us to our own devices to deal with our problems. But like the lone digger who, in reality, was not the only one working to dislodge the ship - there were a whole host of other people working to free the ship - we, too, are never truly alone.
As we finish out this holiest of weeks may we remember the hidden work God is doing in our lives and allow Christ’s cross to be that beacon that keeps us afloat through any and all stormy seas.
Showcasing 7th grade’s talents: Liam K.'s picture may not be the ship from the Suez canal but it's nautical theme is fitting.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aidep