This is why we get the opportunity of a Lenten season: to reflect, to look at our hearts and minds, to see what is in there and see what we carry inside. - Bishop Rojas
Lent is about interrupting our behavior, becoming more aware of how we are reacting so we can adjust our response if needed, Bishop Rojas wrote in his article in the diocesan Byte last month.
“Jesus does not want us to be passive receivers of his love, truth, and goodness; God wants us to use what we have received for the good of those around us” Bishop Rojas said.
As we become more aware of how better to react to situations that come up this Lent we can not only be more compassionate and tender to those around us, but also to ourselves.
But how do we do this? Bishop Rojas goes through some steps we can take so we don’t simply respond out of habit. Please read his linked article to find out what you can do this Lent—spoiler alert: prayer is a central part.
Showcasing 7th grade’s talents: Following Brielle's instructions Dariel drew the Golden Gate Bridge and then added himself rowing away a fault he wants to let go of for Lent.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide