When there’s one take away from something we’ve read or listened to we are likely to feel that our time was well spent; to get multiple takes away, that much the better.
The reflection I read this past Sunday on the interaction between Jesus and a leper fell into the latter category—there were multiple things that spoke to me as I read. This reflection from Satish Joseph, a priest in Dayton, Ohio, fits well for this time of Lent that has now begun.
As Joseph zeroed in on the Gospel he realized this is more than a story about healing an individual, it's also a “commentary on salvation history.” “The human race—infected with the leprosy of sin,...injustice,...poverty, misery—stands as desperately in need of healing and redemption as the leper in Mark’s gospel.”
Lent brings us a time when we can deliberately focus on this “leprosy” of sin and seek out the vaccination that will heal us—compassion. And like Joseph saw in the Gospel of Mark, "compassion leads to healing, restoration, to dignity, and divine life." As we focus more inwardly these next 6 weeks may we also see as Joseph did that compassion "is the sign that the Kingdom of God is at hand" and we all are an important part of it.
The full article is worth reading, as well as other articles at the Where Peter Is site, so I have included the link: https://wherepeteris.com/the-healing-of-the-leper-a-new-paradigm-for-mission/
Showcasing 7th grade’s talents: If you hit a rocky patch during Lent remembering Liam K's drawing may help you to pick yourself back up.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide