Advent is a continuous call to hope: it reminds us that God is present in history to lead it to its ultimate goal and to its fullness, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. - Pope Francis
Have you ever been some where and someone you didn’t know commented how joyful you appeared? That happened to Fr. Gino last week when he was dining at a local restaurant. Fr. Gino was just being himself but his joy was so genuine and noticeable that the waitress not only took note of it but was intrigued enough to ask him about it as he paid his bill.
As he recounted this interaction during his homily last Sunday he used this unexpected encounter to remind us that this is what this season is about—joy; as Christians we wait in joyful hope for something amazing, the second and final coming (advent) of Jesus.
For this hope we have as Christians may we exude a joy that causes people to look at us with amazement, wondering where our joy is coming from, even if they don’t ask it out loud like the waitress did. Simple joy at what blessings we have is the best holiday cheer we can spread not only now, but any time of the year.
Showcasing 7th grade’s talents: May McKenzie's Advent candles help us to be filled with joyful, expectant hope.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide