Traditions nurture us, connect us, and also give us a sense of belonging whether to our family and friends, our community, or our culture. Thanksgiving is here, and like so many other things this year, it will be a little different. Some traditions may have to be tabled this year, and while we may not be overly enthused about that we can use this as a time to remember the meaning behind them. In this way we can remain connected to a tradition while making any adjustments needed this year.
As we adjust to any Thanksgiving changes we make, such as not gathering with the family and friends we normally would, I turn to what Pope Francis said in his homily this past Sunday. Perhaps what he said can be useful here as we head into the holiday season: We possess a great wealth that depends not on what we possess but on what we are: the life we have received, the good within us, the indelible beauty God has given us by making us in his image… We need to remember this. All too often, when we look at our lives, we see only the things we lack, and we complain about what we lack. We then yield to the temptation to say: “If only…!” If only I had that job, if only I had that home, if only I had money and success, if only I didn’t have this or that problem…! But those illusory words – if only! – prevent us from seeing the good all around us.
Traditions begin somewhere. If you have started a new tradition this year, whether because of covid-19 or not, please share. Have a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving.
Showcasing 7th grade’s talents: Angelina’s platter of apples is perfect for any Thanksgiving table.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
4th Grade Aide
Jr. High ELA Aide