Parent letter faith reflection
Images. I have been thinking about images these days. Images are continually being formed in our minds and this pandemic is no exception—yesterday I jotted down the ones that came to mind and was surprised how quickly the list grew to more than 20 things. As I was listing these images the imago Christi, how we all image Christ, also came to mind.
While at first we may think of how we image Christ when we imitate his holiness, when we are compassionate and care for others, or respect the dignity of others, these days we may find comfort to know we are also imaging Christ when we are sad, lonely, or troubled (John 11:35-38; Luke 19:41; Hebrews 2:14-18), when we are tired (Mark 4:38-40; Matthew 8:24-25); annoyed/upset (Mark 7:6-9); or concerned about our families (John 19:26-27). No matter where you are mentally or emotionally at this time you still image Christ—whether that be tired, frustrated, sad, lonely, troubled, concerned. Jesus lived these emotions, and he is with us, even if we still see through a glass darkly right. We image Christ, and together we are: Redlands Strong! Sacred Heart Academy Strong! Jesus Strong!
Our diocese is offering a Spiritual listener resource if you would like to talk, pray or simply faith share with a sympathetic soul during these challenging times. Click the link to leave your name and number and someone will contact you: .
Missing Cinema for the Soul? Well, like so many other ministries, Cinema has gone on-line. Join for a Zoom discussion of the short film The Butterfly Circus on Thurs 30 April 2020 at 7p. Watch the video ( anytime before the Zoom meeting and get the Zoom code by signing up for Cinema for the Soul at this link (scroll half way down to sign up):
More Youth Activities!
by Adryane
Bishop Barnes is going to retire soon as the bishop of the Diocese of San Bernardino. We don’t know who the new bishop will be,* but we do know Bishop Barnes was a good bishop, though I wish there had been more youth activities.
For example, the youth could research a saint and ask their parish to remember that saint’s feast day. We could have a day where the different parishes meet together and have the youth talk about their favorite saints or Bible stories.
It would be fun to have activities that youth can participate in. Sometimes at the 10am Sunday Mass I attend they bring the younger kids to another area and explain what the reading means. The kids are able to participate and learn about Jesus. After they explain the reading the kids return to the Eucharist. If that happened in all the parishes kids would enjoy learning about the Bible and the love of God. If Bishop Barnes did that I reckon kids would be super excited and hyped up for church.
Bishop Essay
By Jacob
Bishop Barnes, I’m impressed that you have been the bishop for twenty five years. I would like to thank you for so many years of service to our community. I would have liked to see more projects for the younger generation. The projects need to be appealing to youth. I would also suggest that these be optional, not mandatory. I hope the new bishop does projects with the youth. Again I thank you for your service and I wish the new bishop good luck.
*These essays were written before Bishop Alberto was appointed our co-adjutor bishop. There are two essays today so they would all be included by the end of the school year.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide/4th Grade Religion