Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. - Mark Twain
“We have to be remarkably good at forgiving each other,” said filmmaker Erin Dooley, “because we are remarkably good at hurting each other.” Dooley was speaking at Cinema for the Soul last week after a showing of her documentary A Way to Forgiveness: Healing on the Camino de Santiago.
Dooley knows of what she speaks. She, herself, had to be remarkably good at forgiving her former husband as they divorced after 12 years of marriage and much mistrust. She was on hand last week to talk about her road to forgiveness via the Camino, and to let those gathered know that God is with them in their struggles even if it doesn’t seem so at the moment.
Dooley spoke of the blessings she has received since her act of forgiveness toward her ex-husband and her hope that speaking about the emotional pain she went through will help others. Forgiving is a choice, and Dooley can attest that any of us can make the choice to forgive. It’s not always an easy choice she told the group, but she assured them that it will be the right choice.
Each Friday Dooley posts a reflection on Facebook on forgiveness called The Forgiveness Minute that is worth looking at:
Message for the Bishop
by Sally
Our bishop has served a delightful 24 years. Bishop Barnes has been a kind, reverent, and respectful Bishop. However, I have a complaint. I wish our two churches had not been combined and their names changed.
Personally I enjoy attending (the former) St. Mary’s on Columbia with our small band of a simple pianist and a singer. I feel more involved in a small church rather than a big church.
Additionally, I enjoyed altar serving for him at Confirmation. Also, I appreciate his visits to our school. I wish him the best.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide/4th Grade Religion