Parent Letter Faith Reflection
St. Frances X. Cabrini wanted to be a missionary in China but when she went to the Pope he instructed her to “go west, not east.” Coming to the United States was not what Mother Cabrini was picturing but she was faithful to God’s calling and she went west. In being faithful to God she worked among the neglected Italian immigrants. As an Italian immigrant herself she spoke their language and better understood their needs. By being faithful to God’s desire for her life she was able to minister and bring healing in a way others might not have been able to. She became an American citizen in 1909 and became the first American saint in 1946. Her feast day is 13 November.
It is not always easy to discern God’s direction for our lives, but drawing on this fruit of the Holy Spirit we will be better equipped to hear God’s voice and respond faithfully.
Was Bishop Barnes a Good Bishop?
by Ian
Bishop Barnes was born in Phoenix, Arizona on June 22, 1945. He was ordained a priest of San Antonio, Texas on December 20, 1975. I liked how he and his siblings helped in the operation of the store (that his parents owned when they moved to Los Angeles).
I don’t think the next bishop will be as good as Bishop Barnes. I liked the day Bishop Barnes came to our school and we celebrated that by having a celebration Mass. I liked how he prayed the Mass and how he talked about God. I think he is a good bishop.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide/4th Grade Religion