Parent Letter Faith Reflection
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long, says the psalmist in Psalm 23. Filled with the fruit of the Spirit, goodness flows from a woman in Bethany as she anoints Jesus with a costly jar of perfume (Mark 14:3-9). Goodness, the total giving of self, is what is at the core of Bishop Barnes’ Episcopal Motto. Our 7th grader today shows some of the ways the bishop has put this fruit into action; we can all follow his example.
Connecting with Youth
by Ryan
Bishop Barnes has served our diocese for 24 years. In all he has been bishop for 27 years. Bishop Barnes has done many things for our diocese. For example he visited our school, he helped us buy the land to build our new church and school, and he did a very special mass for our school. Another thing he did was talk to our 8th graders with no one but him and the 8th graders. His visit to our school was very nice and a learning experience.
Bishop Barnes, thank you for growing the number of Inland Catholics. Also thank you for welcoming more and more immigrants to the Catholic Church and to our diocese. Although I would have liked you to interact with the youth a little more, you did a good job teaching everybody about being a bishop and being a Catholic. One example of that would be when you visited my school and you taught our students what the hat and staff meant. Other than the whole youth thing you did a good job being a bishop.
Also thank you for having our masses be in many languages so everyone can understand. Also, thank you for welcoming many immigrants into our diocese. Thank you for setting up forums to teach immigrants about their rights. Thank you for becoming a bishop as well. Finally, thank you for being the bishop of the San Bernardino diocese for 24 years.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide/4th Grade Religion