Parent Letter Faith Reflection
In the Bible Tabitha (also called Dorcas) is known for her kindness. We don’t hear from her directly but we know that this fruit of the Holy Spirit is dwelling in her when Luke recounts some of the kindness she is known for in the Acts of the Apostles (9:36-39). Luke continues to tell us about this well loved disciple by stating how much her community is mourning her loss.
The beauty of the fruits of the Spirit is that we don’t need to tell others about them; they are visible by our actions, as in the case of Tabitha, and others will naturally point out these fruits to others. In Acts Luke does the speaking while Tabitha continues doing the work the Lord has called her to. We too can be both Tabitha and Luke; Tabitha by letting goodness flow from us without fanfare, and Luke by acknowledging the good others are doing.
Our 7th grader today plays the part of Luke calling out the fruits of the Spirit she has observed in Bishop Barnes as she hopes he can continue to bear the fruits of the Spirit wherever he goes in his retirement.
Bishop Barnes
By Bella
For me what I will miss about the bishop is his kindness; he was so loving it just warmed my heart. What I will also miss is the great example he gave us when he did so many things for others.
I’m also excited for our new bishop; I’m excited for him to show us some new things. I l also hope Bishop Barnes is well-respected and goes to important places in his retirement. Good luck to our new bishop.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide/4th Grade Religion