Parent Letter Faith Reflection
The fruits of the Holy Spirit is a grace-filled way we aware that the Spirit is alive in us. As part of my morning faith reflection time with Jr. High I’m weaving in the Fruits of the Spirit and how to recognize them; for me I do this often through art.
Sometimes to recognize the gifts in us, or the gifts we need to work on, it helps if we can recognize these gifts elsewhere. Enter Mo Willems' Pigeon series. In the book I read to 7th grade last week Pigeon is convinced he needs a dog, but changes his mind quickly on receiving what he’s wished for. Applying the fruit of the Spirit to this story the 7th graders across the board noticed that Pigeon could have used with some self-control and patience. They saw that a lack of self-control and patience was a factor in not thinking his plan through and being unhappy in the end. The class realized that something you want isn’t always something you need. Patience can help us whenever we are discerning something.
The flip side of this is how we use these gifts as we a filled with them. The book I read to 7th grade is a great example. Over the summer Milena in 6th grade saw this book and asked her mom if she could get it for me. I see Milena as being filled with kindness and the 7th graders and I thank her for her generosity. May we all be filled with the fruit of the Spirit.
Episcopal Transition
by Gabe
Dear Bishop Barnes,
You are a very good bishop. I will miss you. The things that I liked is that you are funny, fun, and nice.
Now here are some stuff that I wish you did more. I wish you did more stuff with the youth like games, activities, and learning about God. I wish I had seen you more and I wish you had been able to come our church more.
God bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade Aide/4th Grade Religion