Parent Letter Faith Reflection
As we head into our summer break to relax, travel, spend time with family, and simply do those things we just can’t get to during the school year, may we keep Jesus’ goodness and love for us always in mind. God is amazing and all that we have comes from him. We don’t need to understand this goodness we just need to turn to it in all things, whether during the school year, on the weekends, or summer vacation. This quote from Annie Lamott sums this up nicely: I didn’t need to understand the hypostatic unity of the Trinity; I just needed to turn my life over to whoever came up with redwood trees. Annie Lamott (Busted Halo tweet)
Last week we showed the 7th grade a video on pencil carving. If God gave us the patience and talent to do something like this, imagine what he can do with us when we turn our lives over to him. The 7th graders found it amazing: “If us human beings are able to make such detailed carvings on something as small as pencil lead, imagine what God can do with something even smaller.”; “The pencil lead is an amazing wonder because it shows how people make awesome things. With God, we are made with time and care.”; “This is like God carving out a good person, something wonderful out of a regular person. This is making something extraordinary out of a plain pencil.”; “If we can do as amazing things as this, then God can do so much more.”; “Something amazing can come from the simplest things.”; “God can do amazing things to us because he is so awesome to us. He can create beautiful things out of us.”
Pencil carving:
Cinema for the Soul continues over the summer. Come spend an evening with Miss Morrison watching and discussing a movie with faith as the focus. Next week on Thursday, June 20th she will be showing Field of Dreams in honor of its 30th anniversary. The movie and dates for the July and August showings can be found on the Holy Name of Jesus’ website under community/cinema about 3 weeks before the upcoming movie. All movies are in the Olive parish hall at 7pm.
Have a blessed summer.
God Bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade / Jr. High Teacher’s Aide