Parent Letter Faith Reflection
Last month I was able to join the Cinema for the Soul folks to see the movie The Hundred-Foot Journey. It was so nice to be there after a long absent. Watching this movie, about a journey that only takes the people involved across the street, was interesting. It was a good way to remember that when we respond to the Lord our journey begins right where we are. That journey can take us thousand of miles away or a mere hundred feet to a neighbor we need to engage with better. The prayer that Miss Morrison, who leads the Cinema for the Soul, closed the evening was done in the form of questions. It's a very thoughtful prayer and below I share the prayer she adapted from an article by Idelette McVicker (She Loves Magazine, Jan, 2016). This prayer encapsulates the good news. It essentially asks how are we letting Jesus move in our lives. It asks "Where do you need to arrive this Easter?"
What is my hundred foot journey? God, what good is waiting for me, just beyond my front door” What community, what fulfillment, what joy is close enough for me to reach? Where do I need to get over myself in order to grow and change, to be the person you have called me to be? Where do I need to be open to the gifts, the people that have always been around me? God, you don’t give me what I want but provide me with what I need. What is waiting for me that may look different than what I imagined and yet is exactly what I need? God, guide and walk with me on this journey to find my true happiness. Amen.
Here is a link to the trailer for the movie Hundred-Foot Journey:
The next showing for Cinema for the Soul is at Olive on Thursday, 30 May 2019 at 7:00pm. Unconditional is a story about redemption: Two friends come together years later after circumstances have turned their lives upside down. As they help build each other back up they realize God’s love have been there in all their circumstances, whether joyful or destructive. The resurrection functions in ways we don’t always expect or understand, but the good news is Jesus is working in our lives always.
God Bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade / Jr. High Teacher’s Aide9