Parent Letter Faith Reflection
Things sometimes get weird, like last week when I was subbing for 7th grade language arts. One thing led to another and soon the class got to talking about sleepwalking. One 7th grader told about when they had shouted from their balcony, “I need to go to L.A.!” This was by far the best and funniest sleepwalking story and this expression came up several times throughout the remaining minutes of the class. It was weird, but good weird and after asking our resident sleepwalker if I could use this for their faith reflection the next day, I Googled the expression to see what I could find that would pair with this.
We tied in the sleepwalking episode, and the song I found, with Holy Week as things definitely get weird this week: This week started out with a great and excited procession, waving palm branches as Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem. But then it will, seemingly, veer off course at the Passover supper as Jesus prepares his disciples for his death, and by Friday it will go in an entirely different direction then how it started. On Sunday it gets even weirder with news of the resurrection. If that isn’t weird enough, as I write this we are looking at pictures of Notre Dame burning. This may be sad weird but it speaks of hope though, the hope this week holds out for us. Jesus will rise from the destruction around him and the cathedral burning in Paris is uniting people and it, too, will rise again. May you live in hope and have a Blessed Easter.
We will resume with our remaining two 7th grade essays after Easter.
This song, I Want To Go To L.A., had lyrics that not only came very close to what our sleepwalker called out, but the blurred art two people are seen viewing shows how strange things can seem to us, but is, nonetheless, all part of God’s plan. Here is what the 7th graders thought “When things do get weird we still have to trust God that he knows what he’s doing. And if it’s a good weird, then just enjoy.”; “This video shows us that there is so much to explore in God’s beautiful world.”; “God can always be a little weird, but we still have to believe in him.”; “It is April 9th, and it is weird how Holy Week works, but it’s a good weird, like the song, I Want To Go To L.A,”; “It shows how things get weird, but they always get better”; “The song was cool and now I want to go to L.A.”.
God Bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade / Jr. High Teacher’s Aide