Sometimes life gets so busy or distractions get in the way that we can forget God is still there with us. Then there are times when life gets eerily slow and quiet and it can be a bit frightening. But no matter which direction your life is going at this moment, it’s all grace. I liked this quote when I came across it last week on Twitter @soulpancake: Life gets very quiet before all the doors open. I’m learning that what can feel like loneliness is actually grace. Rest. Find your strength. It will all change soon. - J. Lynn -
Our 7th grader essayist understands that our lives can be busy or slow and his ideas takes this into account.
Radical Community Care
by Alex T.
In our community we do some major things to help the poor. Otherwise we do most things as minor projects for the poor in our community. So next I will let you know some radical things that we can do.
First, we can start major food drives. I like that we bring can foods to Mass, but maybe we can go bigger. Second, we can collect things and donate to the poor. Finally, we can all gather and make donations for community hospitals so they can help all of their patients get the care they need. This is what we can do to make our community radical.
With Valentine’s day last week I chose to read this short children’s story Always. Its simple pictures added to the straightforwardness of the point I wanted to illustrate—God loves us always, no matter what. Here is what the 7th graders know about God’s love for them: “God loves us always. His love is so strong and nobody’s love can measure to his love.”; “I know God loves me because he gives us confession where he can forgive us, and show us his love.”; “God loves everyone no matter if you re bad, good, sad, brave, etc. He doesn’t care how you behave, he just cares about you.”; “It showed us God’s colors and the creatures he made. He loves us and loves everything.”; “The story shows God’s love for us. Even though we can be bad, mean, sad, etc., he will never stop loving us.”
God Bless,
Mrs. Alhadef
Campus Minister
5th Grade / Jr. High Teacher’s Aide